Dear members of the male species,
I’m sure you’ve heard about the re-energized feminist movement. I’m sure some of you even support it. I also think that the meaning of ‘Feminism’, the crux of what this movement is about is also lost on a lot of people. The media and the public have made it seem like a dirty word. I assure you it’s not. It still stands for equality of the two sexes as it always has and forever will.
Anyway, this is not the reason why I’m writing what I am today. I am writing to tell you that I’m sorry. I’m sorry if, in all this ado, you felt lost somewhere because honestly, I can’t imagine being in your place nor do I ever wish to.
At this point in time, everyone knows that females face problems and there are steps being taken to eradicate them and if not, at least people are aware and are talking about it. It’s much different for you, I’ve seen. No one talks about how you too can be a victim of sexual assault or rape. No one talks about how you feel depressed. No one talks about how hard it is to bear the brunt of the society. Be masculine. Open jars. Pay bills. Plan Great Big romantic Gestures even if you are an introvert because it’s your job! Don’t cry, don’t wear pink, don’t show your emotions, love your friends but don’t hug the male ones, don’t wax your arms or legs or eyebrows because personal grooming takes a backseat when it comes to fitting in with societies idea of the ultimate male.
I’m here to tell you it’s okay. You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be able to express how you feel and do what you want. Maybe you are not restricted, maybe you can roam alone at night and your parents won’t mind, maybe you can go where ever you want without thinking too much but you are not free either. You have rules imposed upon you. You will be ridiculed if you want to go in a profession which is predominantly women oriented and these are only some of the examples.
I have a vision of a utopia where there are no boundaries, no rules, no gender stereotyping, only freedom.
I hope my words give you a sense of security and understanding and know that I believe in you.
Let’s change this world one person at a time. Let’s change this world by being there for each other. Let’s change this world with SheForHe.

Love and admiration,
The fairer sex
(or so I’ve been told)

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