IN$iDe the He@d of a girl

A girl/women is the most complicated species on the planet earth. Well we all can agree to that..!! Have you ever seen a jumbled rubix cube? Yes exactly.. that is how a women's brain should look like. The are zillion self contradicting thoughts going on all the time. There is family, work, food, sex(yes we do think about sex..less then food though).

Let me start with the most complicated one's first: LOVE ♥ Our love for family is surreal, its like you touch my family and i will kill you. When it comes to the love of other gender, its very easy for us to get attracted to someone, but really difficult to keep holding the attraction and we always make the first move. Guys may think that they have initiated it but actually it just our dirty little mind games we like to play in the starting of a relationship. A girl always knows the next move of a guy & decides weather to encourage it or diminish it. A yes is always a yes for us but you need to concentrate on the NO. It may be a firm no, or a no which means maybe yes, or a no where you need to persuade a little to make it yes.

Anger/Depression/Crying all of these go hand in hand. It starts with anger, changes to depression with time and the final result is crying to take it all off your chest. Though alcohol plays a part too in making things more miserable or may be lighter(depends on the amount of consumption).

Well the last but not the least most prominent thing on a girl's head : Jealousy why god why? why didn't you made me thinner like my sister. You do tina has bigger boobs not me? why am i not as fair as kareena? why are hairs not as straight as neha? Well it never ends. This list goes on and on and on. Nonetheless we can never sustain in a world without girls and neither do we want so. #werock#dontmindme#loveall


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