Pessimism and negativity in our daily lives

How many times have we heard people say ‘be optimistic and positive in life’? I know I have, whenever things have not been going as I expect them to, there will always be someone giving you a little pep talk on being positive. It is human nature to fall prey to negative thoughts and be pessimistic because, we cannot be happy at all times. Things will always not fall in place and there will be times when you need to work harder than you already are.

It is at these stressful times that you should ask yourself... do I really let such negative thoughts take over me...yes! Embrace your failures, your insecurities and your pessimistic attitude instead of just running away from it. 

Pessimism and negativity can take a toll in your life. They make you irritated, agitated, and restless and can even lead to anxiety and depression. Negativity drains you off all your energy and can have a physical setback to your body. Such thoughts not only affect you but also people around you. Who wants to be with someone who is always brooding and is a pessimist?

Have that moment of brooding, of being sad, of letting all your negative thoughts getting to you, but know how to come out of it.

Once you have had that moment of pessimism, it is time for you to gear up and overcome the setbacks in your life. Let that moment go away and be motivated to get some action going in your life.

How can you do away with such negativity in daily life?

  1. What are the sources from where you get such negative thoughts? Are they television, music, a colleague at work, social media? Replace these sources with something better and fun.
  2. Stop blowing up small or medium sized issues. 
  3. Exercise regularly or just take a walk outside in the fresh air and you will feel refreshed. 
  4. Be grateful for the things that you have in life instead of brooding over what you want or do not have.
  5. If negative thoughts are still bothering you, let it out. Talk to someone trustworthy, share your feelings and then see how light you feel.

Switching to positive thoughts is a conscious decision. You just need to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. They will energize you, increase your productivity at work and most importantly make you feel happy and content.

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