‘I don’t know.’
‘I don’t care.’
‘I don’t have emotions.’
‘I don’t feel things.’
It’s cool, it’s in. This is what’s trending. Ask a millennial their thoughts on love and I guarantee you 8 out of 10 will give a nihilistic answer because, in their dictionary of heartbreaks, love doesn’t exist.
Love is something that they or should I say, we, like to view as a mythical entity. We’re not sure how it exists, where it exists, if it exists. We see it all around us every day and yet we don’t believe. We have become people who refuse to acknowledge good things because maybe Instagram has taught us that cherophobia is a real thing and why to be happy when you know that you are bound to be sad the next day or maybe the one following that or maybe we’re just scared because all we see around us are failed relationships and hate. God knows that we have plenty and all kinds of hate around us in this world but the only thing stronger, more potent than that is love.
I hate to sound like a clichéd chick-flick movie dialogue and say that the love of your life will sweep you off your feet with his grand romantic gestures and amazingly good looks. No. I’m just going to tell you that there are a lot of types of love. It can be the love of a mother for her child, of a friend for a friend, of a dog for it’s human. It can be anything. Love doesn’t have a fixed form. It just takes the shape of whatever vessel you pour it in.
Take a look around you the next time you go out. Look at the flowers or the people or the sky. Just look at something and I assure you, you  will see one good thing which brightens up your day and makes you say, maybe it’s not so bad to care after all. 

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