Why Did My Pores Get Bigger All of a Sudden?

If you think your pores are larger than normal and wonder why did my pores get bigger all of a sudden? Don’t panic, this is a common problem for many people. And there can be several reasons behind this sudden change in our skin. So let’s talk about these causes in detail and also provide some solutions to deal with or even reduce the visibility of enlarged pores.

Usual Causes for Suddenly Enlarged Pores

First things first; it should be noted that technically speaking pore never opens or closes, but they may look bigger due to increased sebum production, dirt accumulation or changes in skin elasticity etcetera. Here are a few not so good guys which could be causing your pore size to appear larger:

More sebum production: Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands, which can make your pores more visible.

Buildup of dead skin cells: This clogs up the pore making it wider.

Skin losing elasticity: As we age our skins lose their firmness, so now big holes show where there were none before.

Genetics: Sometimes large pores run in families.

Environmental factors: Pollution levels and humidity also contribute towards making one see big pits on their face, especially if such parts are frequently exposed to such environments like arms and hands.

Why Did My Pores Get Bigger All Of A Sudden?

So you have noticed it too; you ask yourself why did my pores get bigger all of a sudden? Here are few possible answers:

Wrong Skincare Products

Using skincare products that do not match up with your skin type can cause excessive oiliness, hence blocking them.

Solution : Switch to non-comedogenic brands, as well as those designed for use on specific skin types.

Lack Of Exfoliation

When one fails to exfoliate regularly, dead cells pile up, thus stretching them out leading into wider opening areas around each hair follicle.

Solution : Include gentle exfoliants into your routine, applying them several times each week so as to keep these areas unblocked.

Sun Damage

UV radiation weakens collagen around pore region, causing for their expansion.

Solution : Apply broad spectrum sunscreens daily and consider treatments like retinoids or vitamin C serums that boost collagen production.


By reducing oxygen supply and accelerating the aging process, smoking lowers overall health of the skin, thereby enlarging one’s pore sizes more than they should actually be .

Solution : Quit smoking altogether, not only for pores but general wellbeing too.

High-Sugar Diets

Foods with high glycemic index increase oiliness, leading into various skin problems, including visibility of wide holes on the face.

Solution : Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins for proper care of healthy looking skins.

Keeping Your Skin Happy

Besides figuring out why my pores are suddenly more visible, developing a consistent daily skincare routine is important. Ensure you wash your face twice every day; drink plenty water throughout the day; moisturize when necessary while going for professional facials regularly to deep clean them out.

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